
The author develops the idea of a well-known Tatar theologian Musa Bigiyev that Islam is a religion of a reasonable faith. The article considers Qur’anic calls for rational knowledge of the world, the past Muslim thought and philosophy. Proceeding from the fact that the contemporary Muslim thought is in crisis, outlining of the ways to overcome the crisis is attempted. The articles also outlines a program to comprehend the modernity from the standpoint of the Qur’anic revelation. The following topics of primary importance are accentuated: the relevance of Islamic philosophy, the classical problem of metaphysics and anthropology, the unity and diversity of humanity, religious diversity, tolerance and mancipation. Benchmarks for each topic are delineated which enable to bring together the Qur’anic revelation and modern trends. It is inferred that the negligence of the abovementioned problems can imply the ignoring of the Qur’anic call for a reasonable faith, i.e. the ignoring of God’s call to all people.


  • The author develops the idea of a well-known Tatar theologian Musa Bigiyev that Islam is a religion of a reasonable faith

  • Proceeding from the fact that the contemporary Muslim thought is in crisis, outlining of the ways to overcome the crisis is attempted

  • It is inferred that the negligence of the abovementioned problems can imply the ignoring of the Qur’anic call for a reasonable faith, i.e. the ignoring of God’s call to all people

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Автор развивает идею известного татарского теолога Мусы Бигиева о том, что ислам является религией разумной веры. Что пренебрежение представленными проблемами может означать игнорирование коранического призыва к разумной вере, то есть игнорирование божьего призыва ко всем людям. Взглянув на философию, ведь именно философия является квинтэссенцией разумного познания, синтезом всех наук и основой целостного мировоззрения.

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