
Manuskrip ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan usaha penulis dalam memberi pemahaman kepada delapan kelompok penghayat kepercayaan di Kabupaten Kudus beserta respon Muslim terhadapnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif deskriptif mengunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Berdasarkan Keputusan Mahkamah Konstituni No. 97/PUU-XIV/20016 yang menyatakan bahwa penghayat kepercayaan setara dalam hal keagamaan. Sehingga, mereka kemudian mengubah kolom agama pada Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) mereka menjadi penghayat kepercayaan. Menggunakan tanda strip (-) pada KTP mereka merupakan salah satu wujud penolakan bagi penghayat kepercayaan Persada dan Samin. Sebaliknya, keenam kelompok penghayat kepercayaan tetap menulis Islam sebagai agama mereka karena menurut mereka, dengan mengubah agama mereka dapat menimbulkan beberapa keresahan meliputi (1) penolakan pada pemakaman umum, (2) perlakuan diskriminatif bagi anak-anak mereka yang mencari pekerjaan, dan (3) kesulitan dalam mencari pasangan hidup, terutama bagi penghayat kepercayaan wanita. Selain itu, keberadaan mereka dianggap sebagai organisasi spiritual yang tidak terkait dengan status keagamaan.


  • According to data from the Director General of Civil Registry of the Ministry of Home Affairs per June 30, 2017, the number of Indonesian residents who registered themselves as believers of indigenous faith was 138,791 people

  • There are 187 organizations of indigenous faith believers in which 160 are active and 27 are inactive spreading out in 13 provinces including Sumatera Utara (12 groups), Riau (1 group), Lampung (5 groups), Banten (1 group), DKI Jakarta (14 groups), West Java (7 groups), Central Java (53 groups), Yogyakarta (25 groups), East Java (50 groups), Bali (8 groups), NTB (2 groups), NTT (5 groups), and North Sulawesi (4 groups). This manuscript focuses on Kudus, Central Java where there are eight groups namely Budi Luhur, Hardo Pusoro, Sapto Darmo, kawruh kodrating pangeran, sumarah, pramono sejati, subud, and Sikep Samin

  • This study examines the attitudes of the indigenous faith believers in Kudus after the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number: 97/PUU-XIV/2016 which aligns the believers with religion so that the column of religion which was originally written as hyphen transforming into the indigenous faith believers in God Almighty

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According to data from the Director General of Civil Registry of the Ministry of Home Affairs per June 30, 2017, the number of Indonesian residents who registered themselves as believers of indigenous faith was 138,791 people. There are 187 organizations of indigenous faith believers in which 160 are active and 27 are inactive spreading out in 13 provinces including Sumatera Utara (12 groups), Riau (1 group), Lampung (5 groups), Banten (1 group), DKI Jakarta (14 groups), West Java (7 groups), Central Java (53 groups), Yogyakarta (25 groups), East Java (50 groups), Bali (8 groups), NTB (2 groups), NTT (5 groups), and North Sulawesi (4 groups) This manuscript focuses on Kudus, Central Java where there are eight groups namely Budi Luhur, Hardo Pusoro, Sapto Darmo, kawruh kodrating pangeran, sumarah, pramono sejati, subud, and Sikep Samin. The believers were portrayed in the aspect of their efforts to respond to formal education rights and the perception of the Constitutional Court’s Decision on the Religious Column in the Resident Identity Card (KTP) It was only Sapta Darma and Sikep Samin who changed the religion column in their ID card (originally striped was changed into indigenous faith believer). This manuscript studies why and the reason the six believers were passive

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