
The purpose of the article is to define the main components of the film music scoring process and the corresponding professional competencies of a film composer. The methodology of research is based on the integrated application of systemic and competency-based approaches, methods of theoretical analysis, specification, synthesis, and generalisation. The scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of art criticism and the author's own practical experience, the author of the article has determined: the main components of the film scoring process; the essence of compositional innovations in the best soundtracks of Ukrainian and foreign films; the main professional competencies of a film composer required to create a film soundtrack. The musical and creative competence of a film composer reflects the level of their compositional skill and the ability to creatively adapt musical material. Artistic and communicative competence characterises the ability to communicate creatively with the film's directing team, understanding the artistic intent of the film and the means of its implementation in musical images. Technical and technological competence is realised in the possession of modern technologies of sound recording and sound processing and the ability to work with studio equipment. Conclusions. Film scoring is a complex creative process that includes several stages (familiarisation with the general concept and dramaturgy of the film, creation of a score with a system of music themes and leitmotifs, studio recording of music, editing and synchronisation with the video sequence, sound design, creation of the final version of the soundtrack). The success of this process depends on the professional skill of the film composer, which is manifested in the formation of musical and creative, artistic and communicative, technical and technological competencies.
 Keywords: film music, soundtrack, musical design of the film, film composer, professional competencies.

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