
TO BRING to the Music Educators National Conference the greetings of the Chief of the Special Services Branch of the War Department, Brigadier General Frederick H. Osborn, is indeed a pleasant duty. It would have been, however, a greater privilege to have introduced him in person to this notable assemblage. It was with genuine regret that the press of official duties prevented his acceptance of your invitation to address you and to observe your deliberations during your biennial meeting. I am, therefore, honored to convey to you the good wishes of my Chief, Brigadier General Osborn, and to assure you, for him, that he is sincerely interested in the great work which you, as music educators, have done and are doing. The results of that work are far-reaching. In the brief span of a score of years you have raised the cultural level of the youth of our nation from a position wherein a considerable proportion of our people looked upon musical attainment as a useless affectation and frill to

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