
The development of modern society requires the application of new forms of presentation of educational content in order to build personality and form a generation of creative people. It’s necessary that the approach and forms of the structure of the learning process to stimulate students’ development to the maximum extent. Attracting students’ attention and stimulating their activity by presenting the learning content most effectively is a challenge for the teacher. This way, their interest should be increased and they should acquire lasting, long-term knowledge in Art music. This report presents the possibilities of consolidating and enriching students' knowledge and skills in the academic discipline Music outside the traditional music lesson. The research presents the benefit of education through music computer technology Sound Recording in a recording studio for students aged 10-16 as a part of their scheduled observation hours in extracurriculum learning environment. The aim is to increase students' interest in music as an art and to support the gaining of new knowledge. In this way, the students will be provoked to get to know their surroundings in full. At the same time, the research is an example of successful good practice to motivate and support music teachers with new practical ideas.

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