
Studying music in outer space entails perceiving music in two prevailing perspectives: treating music as a form of artistic expression and as a means of communication (although this is not a uniquely human phenomenon as many animal species use sounds for interacting).The first understanding of music as a form of art is also deeply immersed in futurologist speculations concerning the expansion of music and is based on contemporary trends reflecting the musicological state of the art. The second outlook (connected with tendencies to rethink the process of musical signification)396 directly refers to the historical attempts to answer the basic question: what is music and why, as well as consequently how, music — understood as a communication tool — could be employed as a universal language system in space exploration. This perspective corresponds with musicological assumptions of researching the past development of musical styles rooted in methodological practices established in the 19th century historically oriented discipline initially called Musikwissenschaft.KeywordsOuter SpaceOpen MusicArtistic ExpressionOriented ProblemMusical ScaleThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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