
The Present-day (<1.2 kyr) activity of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy) is fed by a vertically-extended mush column with an open-conduit configuration. The eruptive products are the result of periodic supply of mafic magma (low porphyritic or Lp-magma) from depth into a homogeneous shallow reservoir (highly porphyritic or Hp-magma). Clinopyroxene phenocrysts from the 2003–2017 activity exhibit marked diopside-augite heterogeneities caused by continuous Lp-Hp magma mixing and antecryst recycling. Diopsidic bands record Lp-recharge injected into the shallow Hp-reservoir, whereas resorbed diopsidic cores testify to the continuous disruption and cannibalism of relic antecrysts from the mush. The transition between diopside (∼1175 °C) and augite (∼1130 °C) takes place at comparable P (∼190 MPa) and H2O (0.5–2.4 wt%) conditions. Short timescales (∼1 year) for diopsidic bands from the 2003 paroxysm document restricted temporal intervals between mafic injection, magma mixing and homogenization in the Hp-reservoir. Longer timescales (∼4–182 years) for diopsidic cores indicate protracted antecryst remobilization times. By comparing clinopyroxenes from the Present-day and Post-Pizzo eruptions, we argue a distinct phase in the life of Stromboli volcano is evident from the 2003 paroxysm onwards. More efficient mechanisms of mush disruption and cannibalism involve diopsidic antecrysts remobilized and transported by Lp-magmas permeating the mush, in concert with gravitational instability of the solidification front and melt migration within the shallow Hp-reservoir. Magmatic injections feeding the persistent Present-day activity are more intensively mixed and homogenized prior to eruption, reflecting small recharge volumes and/or a more mafic system in which the mafic inputs are less pronounced.

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