
The ar cle, based on the principles of museum pedagogy, analyzes the role of Ukrainian university museums in extracurricular educa on. In par cular, this is carried out in the following main areas of cul-tural and educa onal ac vi es of museums: informing, training, development of crea ve principles. In-forming is the first degree of assimila on of museum informa on, that is, the ini al receipt of informa on about the museum and its collec ons. In par cular, in this case, the sites of leading Ukrainian universi es and those web resources where university museums are men oned were analyzed. A en on is focused both on posi ve developments and on problema c issues in this regard. Educa on is the second degree of assimila on of museum informa on at a qualita vely different level, which includes the transfer and assimila on of knowledge, as well as the acquisi on of certain skills. Since the exposi ons of these mu-seums are focused on the intangible heritage (history of ideas), this creates significant difficul es in the process of communica on with schoolchildren. The author concluded that university museums do not sufficiently use pedagogical innova ons in excursion ac vi es. In par cular, the author drawn a en on to the fact that museum informa on can be ac vely acquired in a game form, so the ques on arises about the methodology of such games. The development of crea ve poten al is the highest degree of assim-ila on of museum informa on, when the goal is to reveal the crea ve abili es of children on the basis of the study of museum collec ons. Examples of such forms of ac vity are given. As a result, the author stated that university museums as centers of extracurricular educa onal work with schoolchildren today are a promising field of ac vity for both museum workers and a wide range of teachers. Higher educa on ins tu ons have accumulated not only interes ng, but also unique collec ons; there is some experience in organizing extracurricular educa on. The main thing is that university museums are those cells that, to-gether with other structures, are able to prepare children for research ac vi es and develop their natural abili es. However, in order for the indicated poten al of museums to be used effec vely, the innova ve pedagogical paradigm of the integra on of educa on and science should be ac vely mastered.

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