
Special libraries are essential information and documentation centres for university teachers and researchers due to the quality and richness of their collections. In Spain, it is estimated that there are 2456 special libraries, although many are unknown either generally or among information professionals. These include museum libraries, which are important centres with valuable collections of bibliographic heritage for the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. The aim of this research is to gain an understanding of the real state of these information units and promote the social value of museum libraries in Spain. To do this, a survey was sent to the libraries of state-owned and -managed museums under the General Directorate of Fine Arts and Cultural Property (Ministry of Culture and Sports) of the Government of Spain. This general objective will be accompanied by a review of the scientific literature on various aspects of museum libraries at national and international level. After addressing the research methodology, the results obtained will be discussed and will include the following topics: collection management, library services and staff, economic and technological resources and finally, library management. Conclusions include recommendations for museum librarians and reveal that institutional cooperation is a strategic issue to improve both museum libraries visibility and their social recognition as cultural and research centre.

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