
Background: Health-related fitness testing is considered important for general health surveillance, and an important tool in promoting physical activity. Aims: The aims of the present study were to assess physical activity and musculoskeletal fitness levels in an adult Norwegian population and to correlate results of relevant tests with health complaints. Method: All subjects (183 men and 742 women) employed in a Norwegian municipality were invited to participate in the study. They were asked to fill in a questionnaire about background variables, physical activity level and health complaints. Health complaints were registered on a seven-point scale ranging from 1=no complaints to 7=severe complaints. Five tests for musculoskeletal fitness were chosen: shoulder–neck mobility, one-leg standing, tandem walking backwards, dynamic sit-ups and modified push-ups. All tests were carried out at two indoor sites in the center of the community, and third-year sport students conducted the tests under supervision of a...

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