
Background Musculoskeletal fitness is one of the most important health indicators that supports optimal physical functioning. College students represent the majority of human population and studies involving them will give valuable knowledge which can be used for health functions.Objective To evaluate the relationship between body mass index BMI and musculoskeletal fitness among Health Science college students.Method This correlational study included 344 college students aged 18-25 years. Musculoskeletal fitness was measured using FITNESSGRAM test batteries. Height and weight were evaluated with standardized procedures and body mass index was derived by the formula BMI weightkgheightm2 . Pearson correlations were used to find out relationship between body mass index and the measures of musculoskeletal fitness.Results Negative correlation was observed between BMI and parameters of FITNESSGRAM test batteries which included Curl up Trunk lift 900 Push up and Back saver sit and reach. This indicates that if BMI increases then musculoskeletal fitness decreases. Trunk lift and Back saver sit and reach when analysed with BMI showed statistically significant relationship with the p value of 0.000 each whereas the curl up and push up showed negative correlation with BMI but was statistically insignificant. Hence we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis which stated that there is a correlation between BMI and musculoskeletal fitness in Health Science students.Conclusion The study has concluded that BMI is negatively related with the parameters of the FITNESSGRAM test batteries that were used to measure the musculoskeletal fitness. The study indicated that when BMI increases musculoskeletal fitness decreases. Further research efforts should be focused towards promoting implementation of activities with the goal of enhancing the musculoskeletal fitness in this demographic group.

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