
The effects of sustained and rhythmically performed isometric contractions on electrically evoked twitch and tetanic force generation of the triceps surae have been investigated in 4 healthy male subjects. The isometric contractions were performed separately and on different occasions at 30%, 60% and 100% of the force of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The area under the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force/time curve during the rhythmic and sustained contractions was the same for each experiment. The results showed that following rhythmic isometric exercise there was a small decrease in low (10 and 20 Hz) and high (40 Hz) frequency tetanic tension which was associated with % MVC. However, there was no change in the 20/40 ratio of tetanic forces, MVC or the contraction times and force of the maximal twitch. In contrast, following sustained isometric exercise tetanic forces were markedly reduced, particularly at low frequencies of stimulation. The 20/40 ratio decreased and the induced muscle weakness was greater at 30% than 60% or 100% MVC. The performance of sustained isometric contractions also effected a decrease in contraction time of the twitch and MVC. The results are in accord with previous findings for dynamic work (Davies and White 1982), and show that if isometric exercise is performed rhythmically the effect on tetanic tensions is small and there is no evidence of a preferential loss of electrically evoked force at either high or low frequencies of stimulation following the contractions. For sustained contractions, however, the opposite is true, the ratio of 20/40 Hz forces is markedly reduced and following 30% sustained MVC there is a significant (p less than 0.05) change in the time to peak tension (TPT) of the maximal twitch.

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