
We hypothesized that the increased blood glucose disappearance (Rd) observed during exercise and after acclimatization to high altitude (4,300 m) could be attributed to net glucose uptake (G) by the legs and that the increased arterial lactate concentration and rate of appearance (Ra) on arrival at altitude and subsequent decrease with acclimatization were caused by changes in net muscle lactate release (L). To evaluate these hypotheses, seven healthy males [23 +/- 2 (SE) yr, 72.2 +/- 1.6 kg], on a controlled diet were studied in the postabsorptive condition at sea level, on acute exposure to 4,300 m, and after 3 wk of acclimatization to 4,300 m. Subjects received a primed-continuous infusion of [6,6-D2]glucose (Brooks et al., J. Appl. Physiol. 70: 919-927, 1991) and [3-13C]lactate (Brooks et al., J. Appl. Physiol. 71:333-341, 1991) and rested for a minimum of 90 min, followed immediately by 45 min of exercise at 101 +/- 3 W, which elicited 51.1 +/- 1% of the sea level peak O2 uptake (65 +/- 2% of both acute altitude and acclimatization peak O2 uptake). Glucose and lactate arteriovenous differences across the legs and arms and leg blood flow were measured. Leg G increased during exercise compared with rest, at altitude compared with sea level, and after acclimatization. Leg G accounted for 27-36% of Rd at rest and essentially all glucose Rd during exercise. A shunting of the blood glucose flux to active muscle during exercise at altitude is indicated. With acute altitude exposure, at 5 min of exercise L was elevated compared with sea level or after acclimatization, but from 15 to 45 min of exercise the pattern and magnitude of L from the legs varied and followed neither the pattern nor the magnitude of responses in arterial lactate concentration or Ra. Leg L accounted for 6-65% of lactate Ra at rest and 17-63% during exercise, but the percent Ra from L was not affected by altitude. Tracer-measured lactate extraction by legs accounted for 10-25% of lactate Rd at rest and 31-83% during exercise. Arms released lactate under all conditions except during exercise with acute exposure to high altitude, when the arms consumed lactate. Both active and inactive muscle beds demonstrated simultaneous lactate extraction and release. We conclude that active skeletal muscle is the predominant site of glucose disposal during exercise and at high altitude but not the sole source of blood lactate during exercise at sea level or high altitude.

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