
We investigate the possibility to interpret the muon $g\ensuremath{-}2$ anomaly in terms of a massive spin-2 particle, $G$, which can be identified as the first Kaluza-Klein graviton in the generalized Randall-Sundrum model. In particular, we obtain the leading-order contributions to the muon $g\ensuremath{-}2$ by calculating the relevant one-loop Feynman diagrams induced by $G$. The analytic expression is shown to keep the gauge invariance of the quantum electrodynamics and to be consistent with the expected UV divergence structure. Moreover, we impose the theoretical bounds from the perturbativity and the experimental constraints from LHC and LEP-II on our model. Especially, we derive novel perturbativity constraints on nonrenormalizable operators related to $G$, which are the natural generalization of the counterpart for the renormalizable operators. As a result, we show that there exists a substantial parameter space, which can accommodate the muon $g\ensuremath{-}2$ anomaly allowed by all constraints. Finally, we also make comments on the possible explanation of the electron $g\ensuremath{-}2$ anomalies with the massive spin-2 particle.

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