
Recently, the amount of Yogyakarta province municipal solid waste (MSW) came into Piyungan landfill site stood at around 470 ton/day consisting of 77% organic and 23% inorganic fractions. Annually, there was an increase as many as 8% per annum for the amount of MSW. Reduction of the MSW can be "forced" in integrated waste management site (in Indonesia is called TPST) which was built in the municipal level. In each TPST, there are two main activities which are Recycling and Composting. Both scenarios assume that 23% of inorganic waste can be recycled so that the subsequent need is to manage organic waste. Based on these considerations, calculations performed with: 1). Scenario 1: The TPST has been operated but there is no waste reduction at the source; 2). Scenario 2: TPST is operated and followed by solid waste reduction at the source. If the second scenario is applied, the amount of waste that goes to landfill Piyungan can be reduced up to 200 ton/day. Actually, scenario 1 is the realistic one because of Indonesian’s culture. Unfortunately, as scenario 1 was highly dependent on the TPST, the number of TPST which must be built increase steadily that it can reach 60 units in 2030 which is impossible to find space in Yogyakarta province. If the second scenario is applied, the amount of waste that goes to Piyungan landfill site can be reduced gradually from 25% (1-3 years), 35% (4-7 years), and 50% (8-15 years) through composting activity. The challenge possessed by scenario 2 is how to force people reduce their own organic waste by composting activity.

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