
The paper presents the author’s vision of the content of municipal procedural activity, the grounds for its separation from the structure of general municipal activities carried out by local self-government entities when solving issues of local importance and other issues enshrined in Federal Law No. 131‑FZ of 06.10.2003 «On General Principles of Local Self-Government Organization in the Russian Federation». The author proposes to consider municipal procedural activity as dynamic purposeful, normatively conditioned activity of local self-government bodies carried out by adopting them in the development of the procedural norms of municipal legal procedural acts. These are to be contained in the laws and applying procedures that ensure the implementation of their powers to resolve issues of local significance and other normatively conditioned issues. This activity also means to include ensuring the implementation of local self-government and participation of bodies of territorial public self-government and other public associations. The author believes that the application of municipal procedures in practice is a legal condition for local selfgovernment bodies to resolve issues of local significance and other regulatory issues. Municipal procedural activity is an integral subspecies of municipal activity, which includes constituent, law-making, control, personnel, financial and other activities carried out by subjects of local self-government. The realization of municipal procedural activity is conditioned by the provisions of Part 3 of Article 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (as amended in 2020), which established the need for interaction between local self-government bodies and state authorities for the most effective solution of tasks in the interests of the population living in the relevant territory. The need to solve this problem increases the importance of scientific research on the problems of improving municipal procedural activity as a subspecies of procedural support for the activities of local self-government bodies.

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