
A field experiment on the response of mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) to tillage systems (reduced and conventional) and phosphorus management under rainfed condition was conducted at New Developmental Farm of NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar during summer 2005. Combined analysis of the data indicated that reduced tillage produced higher number of branches (3.8), pods plant−1 (17), number of grains pod−1 (9.0), 1000 grain weight (47.34 g), while higher plants m−2 (31), biological yield (2992 kg ha−1) and grain yields (663 kg ha−1) and number of plants at harvest (281200 ha−1) were obtained from conventional tillage system. Phosphorus applied at the rate of 40 kg P2O5 ha−1 significantly increased plant heights (57 cm), number of branches (4.1) and pods plant−1 (19), number of grains pod−1 (10), 1000 grain weight (48.42 g), biological (3197 kg ha−1) and grain yields (684 kg ha−1). Placement application method of phosphorus had significantly greater number of branches plant−1 (3.8), number of pods plant−1 (17), and number of grains pod−1 (9.0), 1000 grain weight (47.39 g), biological (2797 kg ha−1) and grain yield (610 kg ha−1), respectively. The interaction between tillage (T) and method of application (M) showed that highest number of pods plant−1 (18), and number of branches plant−1 (3.9) were recorded in plots of reduced tillage system in which placement method of P2O5 application was used. The interaction between methods of application (M) and P levels showed that greater number of pods (20), biological (3368 kg ha−1), and grain yield (718 kg ha−1) were obtained when 40 kg P2O5 ha−1 was applied by placement application method.

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