
Textbooks mention that mumps of the testes without parotitis can occur, yet one finds very few case reports in the literature. Torpey1reported a somewhat similar case in 1911, in which primary orchitis was followed by parotitis. The most complete recent paper on cases of orchitis without parotitis is that of Bathait.2This dearth of reports cannot be due to commonplaceness and frequency. I have inquired of many physicians, but found only one who had seen a parallel case. REPORT OF CASE July 2, 1927, I was called to see a medium-sized, muscular, but spare man, aged 44, complaining of chills, fever, painful and swollen testes, and general aching especially in the lumbar region. He had been sick three days with the same complaints, except that there had been transitory cramping in the abdomen at the onset, and the testicular swelling was becoming progressively worse. The patient looked sick.

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