
We study the static Einstein equation coupled with a scalar field with axial symmetry. The zero curvature equation both for the scalar field and a part of the metric in the scalar-Einstein equation enables one to obtain soliton solutions for both the scalar field and the metric. Of the infinite series of solutions for the metric and the scalar field we focus on the solution composed of 4-soliton solution of metric and 4-soliton solution of scalar field. We give a physical interpretation of the solution that two Weyls with scalar charges are exactly sustained by the tension of a lying between the two Weyls. One of the most interesting problems of black holes is the study of bifurcation of a black hole and coalescence of multi black holes_ Before the dynamical behaviors of black holes is understood through the exact solutions of the Einstein equation, we should first understand the static and stationary solutions of multi black holes. In the preceding papers!) we have studied the vacuum soliton solutions to the static Einstein equation which includes the ring-type solutions and the multi-Weyl solution. In the 4-soliton solution or two-Weyl solution, what is peculiar in the solution is the exis­ tence of a conical singularity which may be interpreted as a cosmic string or strut between two Weyls. We showed that the tension cancels the gravitational attractive force. There are two possible solutions which satisfy the asymptotic flatness: (i) The masses of two Weyls could be both positive while the tension or the line density of the strut is negative; (ii) One of the masses of two Weyls should be negative if the tension has the positive sign_ Either case comprises physical difficulty: negative mass or negative energy density. Classically there can be several ways for particles to balance despite of their attractive gravitational forces. The first is the introduction of strut to sustain their gravitational forces. The second is the introduction of negative mass to the system of particles. The third is the introduction of another force which can cancel the gravitational attractive force. As for the third one of the realization in the general relativity is the work by Papapetrou and Majumdar (the PM solution)_2) They introduced the coulomb force to cancel the gravitational attractive force. However the electric charge and the mass of each black hole are not independent charges but should satisfy the relation which realizes the extremal case of the Reissner-Nordstrom solution. What if the constraint between the mass and the electric charge are removed? This has not been answered so far. In the general relativity what could be the correspondence to the strut and the negative mass for balancing? This can be answered by showing the exact solutions to the Einstein equation. As far as we consider the vacuum Einstein equation we could not find physically

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