
This paper presents a hybrid approach for 3D reconstruction by fusing photometric stereo and multi-view stereo. The 3D surface is obtained by capturing a set of images taken from different viewpoints under time-varying illuminations. Key factors in the reconstruction process are surface normals that are obtained from photometric stereo. The surface is initialized by integrating the normals and then refined by performing iterative deformations on the initial surface and thereby optimizing image and normal consistency in multiple views. Benefiting from the employment of the deformation approach, we are able to perform image and normal consistency optimization without using matching windows. Instead, always the complete surface is back-projected. This makes the proposed approach much simpler and more robust compared to window-based approaches, which typically require global optimization with constraints on neighboring windows. Experiments on real-world data and ground-truth data show that for diffuse midsized objects without large depth discontinuities our approach improves the accuracy of the reconstructions compared to exiting approaches.

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