
The concentration, pattern, bioaccumulation and biomagnification features of many chlorobiphenyl congeners including non- and mono-ortho chlorine substituted members have been determined in a pelagic food chain including mixed phyto- and zooplankton, herring (Clupea harengus), harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and black cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) collected from the southern part of the Baltic Proper. TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) toxic equivalents (TEQs) in plankton, herring, harbour porpoise and cormorants were 0.42, 5.3, 79 and 2,700 pg g(-1) lipid weight, respectively. Concentrations of total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in plankton, herring, harbour porpoise and cormorants were 1.9, 120, 8700 and 2,100 ng g(-1) wet weight (210, 1,300, 10,000 and 42,000 ng g(-1) lipid weight) respectively. Herring, harbour porpoise and black cormorant apparently bioaccumulate many PCBs found in their food, and the values of the bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) for PCBs were approximately 10 in herring, 35 in harbour porpoise and up to 300 in breast muscle of cormorants. Harbour porpoise clearly is able to metabolize the most toxic non-ortho PCBs (no. 77, 126 and 169) and a few mono-ortho PCBs (no. 114, 123 and 156), while all non- and mono-ortho PCBs are bioaccumulated by herring. Penta-, hexa- and hepta-CBs were the dominatant homologue classes both in the muscle tissue and liver. PCB congeners nos. 201, 209, 172/192, 194 and 195 were characterized by the largest BAFs (between 100 and 300). Principal component analysis has been used to analyse the interdependences and differences in the CB congener accumulation patterns between the components of the investigated pelagic food web.

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