
We propose a multitask learning (MTL) approach to improve low-resource automatic speech recognition using deep neural networks (DNNs) without requiring additional language resources. We first demonstrate that the performance of the phone models of a single low-resource language can be improved by training its grapheme models in parallel under the MTL framework. If multiple low-resource languages are trained together, we investigate learning a set of universal phones (UPS) as an additional task again in the MTL framework to improve the performance of the phone models of all the involved languages. In both cases, the heuristic guideline is to select a task that may exploit extra information from the training data of the primary task(s). In the first method, the extra information is the phone-to-grapheme mappings, whereas in the second method, the UPS helps to implicitly map the phones of the multiple languages among each other. In a series of experiments using three low-resource South African languages in the Lwazi corpus, the proposed MTL methods obtain significant word recognition gains when compared with single-task learning (STL) of the corresponding DNNs or ROVER that combines results from several STL-trained DNNs.

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