
Traditional image clustering algorithms deal with single-task clustering (STC) problem on a single domain. However, with the increasing number of related images on the Web, it is challenging for STCs to perform related image clustering tasks independently without considering the between-task relationship, which mainly consists of similar visual features and image patterns among tasks. Therefore, it is intuitive to resort to multi-task clustering (MTC) algorithms. However, most existing MTCs learn a shared feature subspace, which may lead to negative transfer when facing the image clustering tasks that are not strongly related. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task image clustering algorithm, which performs multiple image clustering tasks simultaneously and propagates the task correlation to improve clustering performance. Specifically, we first extend the information bottleneck method to cluster tasks independently. The related and unrelated images between the pairwise clusters of different tasks are then discovered. Meanwhile, two corresponding types of correlations are propagated among the tasks, where only the positive correlation benefits the clustering of each task. A sequential and collaborative method is further designed to ensure an optimal solution. Moreover, we perform a theoretical analysis of the properties on correlation propagation and the convergence of our algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

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