
Abstract Waveform correlation is garnering attention as a method for detecting, locating, and characterizing similar seismic events. To explore the opportunities for using waveform correlation in broad regional monitoring, we applied the technique to a large region of central Asia over a three‐year period, monitoring for events at regional distances using three high‐quality stations. We discuss methods for choosing quality templates and introduce a method for choosing correlation detection thresholds, tailored for each template, for a desired false alarm rate. Our SeisCorr software found more than 10,000 detections during the three‐year period using almost 2000 templates. We discuss and evaluate three methods of confirming detections: bulletin confirmation, high correlation with a template, and multistation validation. At each station, 65%–75% of our detections could be confirmed, most by multistation validation. We confirmed over 6500 unique detections. For monitoring applications, it is of interest that a significant portion of the Comprehensive Nuclear‐Test‐Ban Treaty Organization’s Late Event Bulletin (LEB) catalog events was detected and that adding our confirmed detections for the LEB catalog would more than double the catalog size. Waveform correlation also allows for relative magnitude calculation, and we explore the magnitudes of detected events. The results of our study suggest that doing broad regional monitoring using historical and real‐time‐generated templates is feasible and will increase detection capabilities.

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