
This correspondence aims to locate the unknown object moving with constant acceleration in multistatic systems by using bistatic range (BR), bistatic range rate (BRR), and derivative of bistatic range rate (DBRR) measurements obtained at a single time instant. Albeit previous studies can attain optimal performance under mild noise conditions, the localization model used to solely estimate the target position and velocity cannot be applied to some generalized situations with unknown constant acceleration. To address this problem, we start with the fundamental equations of traditional methods and propose an algebraic solution consisting of two stages. In the first stage, we obtain initial estimates of target position, velocity, and acceleration without nuisance variables by using the projection matrix. In the second stage, the estimation accuracy is improved by refining initial estimates. The proposed estimator is proven to achieve the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) accuracy analytically when the measurement noise is low. Simulation results validate the theoretical analysis and reveal that the proposed method can determine the target acceleration while outperforming the previous studies for position and velocity estimation performance.

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