
Migration of magmas though the subcontinental lithospheric mantle is one of the key processes driving in the evolution of its modal composition, and the introduction of incompatible elements into the host peridotites. Mantle metasomatism can explain a num� ber of processes, from the formation of diamond to the genesis of continental and oceanic mafic magmas (12, 13). Many types of mantle metasomatism, mostly related to variations in the composition of metaso� matic agents, are distinguished. Previous studies of peridotitic massifs and contact mantle xenoliths (peri� dotites with pyroxenite veins) demonstrated that inter� action between peridotite and melt migrating through fractures or intergranular spaces resulted in significant mineralogical, chemical, and isotope heterogeneities in the lithospheric mantle. Consequently, contact xenoliths carried to the surface by alkaline basaltic magmas are an important source of information on the processes of migration of mantle melts and their inter� action with peridotites of the lithospheric mantle.

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