
AbstractIn the pharmaceutical industry, the goal of a supply planner is to make efficient capacity allocation decisions that ensure an uninterrupted supply of drug products to patients and to maintain product inventory levels close to the target stock. This task can be challenging due to the limited availability of manufacturing assets, uncertainties in product demand, fluctuations in production yields, and unplanned site downtimes. It is not uncommon to observe uneven distribution of product inventories with some products carrying excess inventories, while other products may be close to a stockout. Maintaining high stock levels can have economic repercussions due to the risk of expiration of unused products (whereas products facing a stockout can adversely affect the treatment regimen of patients). The network complexity of pharmaceutical supply‐chains coupled with regulatory constraints and siloed planning systems force supply planners to rely on manual (error‐prone) decision‐making processes. Such an approach results in suboptimal capacity allocation and inventory management decisions. In this work, we propose a stochastic optimization methodology for the production scheduling of multiple drug products in lyophilization units across multiple sites. The framework leverages information obtained from historical and forecast data to generate scenarios of uncertain parameters (e.g., yield, demand, and downtimes) that can realize in the future. The optimization model determines a product filling schedule that maintains product stock levels close to targets under diverse scenarios. We show that this approach helps in avoiding reactive scheduling and in maintaining a more robust production plan than deterministic procedures (which ignore uncertainty). Specifically, planning under a stochastic optimization approach reduces the number of scenarios under which backlogs are observed and also reduces the magnitude of the backlogs.

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