
The Data Fusion Model maintained by the JDL (Joint Directors of Laboratories) Data Fusion Group is the most widely-used method for categorizing data fusion-related functions. This paper discusses the current effort to revise and expand this model to facilitate the cost-effective development, acquisition, integration and operation of multi-sensor/multi-source systems. Data fusion involves combining information in the broadest sense to estimate or predict the state of some aspect of the universe. These may be represented in terms of attributive and relational states. If the job is to estimate the state of a people (or any other sentient beings), it can be useful to include consideration of informational and perceptual states in addition to the physical state. Developing cost-effective multi-source information systems requires a standard method for specifying data fusion processing and control functions, interfaces, and associated data bases. The lack of common engineering standards for data fusion systems has been a major impediment to integration and re-use of available technology. There is a general lack of standardized or even well-documented performance evaluation, system engineering methodologies, architecture paradigms, or multi-spectral models of targets and collection systems. In short, current developments do not lend themselves to objective evaluation, comparison or re-use. This paper reports on proposed revisions and expansions of the JDL Data Fusion model to remedy some of these deficiencies. This involves broadening the functional model and related taxonomy beyond the original military focus, and integrating the Data Fusion Tree Architecture model for system description, design and development.

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