
In recent years, the number and range of screens used to watch audiovisual contents has risen, from the traditional television set to interactive Internet-enabled devices. This fact has profoundly changed audiovisual consumption habits in Spain. Firstly, viewing-times have increased across every platform. For example, in the case of conventional television, the average Spanish person watches four hours per day. Secondly, at the same time, younger audiences in particular are increasingly likely to use connected screens. The aim of this article is to analyze which screens are preferred by Spanish Internet users, as well as their reasons for doing so when watching different types of TV contents online, such as fiction series, entertainment shows, films, news and sports. In order to carry out this research, the following screens have been taken into account: smart TV, mobile phones, tablets, computers and video consoles. Of the main findings, two in particular may be highlighted in advance: almost half of Internet users watch TV online, and the most frequently used device to do so is the computer—including laptops and netbooks. A further clear conclusion is that users choose different program genres depending on the screen. The results of this study, based on an original survey carried out online, may prove especially significant in order to discover new audiovisual consumption habits of the Spanish population on the Internet.

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