
AbstractTo quantify the uncertainty in reservoir performance, it is common to build ensembles of models that sample the space of possible reservoirs that are consistent with the available data. To evaluate the spread of possible outcomes, simulations experiments are run for each model in the ensemble to calculate for instance recovery factor. The geoscreening workflow is a common way to do this systematically and in a reasonable time. It can work as follows: First, run simulations with simplified physics to calculate recovery factor for every model in the ensemble. Then, use recovery factor (and other quantities) to rank and select representative models for high, medium, and low performance scenarios that can be used for full field simulations.In this paper we present an application of the multiscale sequential fully implicit (MS SFI) framework to simulate extremely complex high-resolution models with simplified physics. This enables us to perform fast evaluations of geological uncertainty, such as in the geoscreening workflow. The multiscale SFI method computes each timestep in two steps: First, it solves a nonlinear equation for pressure (and flow). Then, it solves a nonlinear equation for saturations and mole fractions. The pressure equation is solved iteratively using a multiscale approach.The MS SFI method has recently been made generally available in a commercial reservoir simulator and can easily be benchmarked with a state-of-the-art fully implicit (FI) method. The MS SFI method was used to successfully simulate a realistic high-resolution geological model in a practical time frame, achieving approximately 10 times speedup in CPU time compared to the FI method. This demonstrates the ability of the MS SFI method to effectively deal with extremely complex models, enabling fast quantification of geological uncertainty with a shorter turnaround time. In many instances the MS SFI method enables simulation of large models at the original geological resolutions without the need for upscaling.Finally, we demonstrate how the MS SFI method benefits a geology screening workflow and discuss future use of the MS SFI framework to create fit-for-purpose simulation engines for other workflows.

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