
In contemporary ocean science, modeling systems that inte-grate understanding of complex multiscale phenomena andutilize efficient numerics are paramount. Many of today'sfundamental ocean science questions involve multiple scalesand multiple dynamics. A new generation of modeling sys-tems would allow to study such questions quantitatively bybeing less restrictive dynamically and more efficient numeri-cally than more traditional systems.Suchmultiscaleoceanmodelingisthethemeofthistopicalcollection.Twolargeinternational workshopswereorganizedonthistheme,oneinCambridge,USA(IMUM2010),andonein Bremerhaven, Germany (IMUM2011). Contributions fromthe scientific community were encouraged on all aspects ofmultiscale ocean modeling from ocean science and dynamicsto the development of new computational methods and sys-tems. Building on previous meetings (e.g., Deleersnijder andLermusiaux 2008; Deleersnijder et al. 2010), the workshopdiscussionsandthefinalcontributionstothetopicalcollectionare summarized next.Thescientificapplicationdomainsdiscussedandpresentedranged from estuaries to the global ocean, including coastalregionsandshelfseas.Multi-resolutionmodelingofphysical,biological, chemical, and sea ice processes as well as air–seainteractions were described. The multiscale dynamics consid-ered involved hydrostatic, non-hydrostatic, turbulent, and seasurface processes.Computational results and discussions emphasized multi-resolution simulations using unstructured and structuredmeshes,aimingtowidentherange ofresolvedscalesinspaceand time. They included finite volume and finite elementspatial discretizations, high-order schemes, preconditioners,solver issues, grid generation, adaptive modeling, data assim-ilation,couplingwithatmosphericorbiogeochemicalmodels,and distributed computing. The advantages of using unstruc-tured meshes and related approaches in particular multi-gridembedding, nesting systems, wavelets, and other multiscaledecompositions were discussed. Techniques for the study ofmulti-resolution results, visualization, optimization, modelevaluations,anduncertaintyquantificationwerealsoexamined.1 Multiscale interdisciplinary dynamicsA number of manuscripts in the topical collection focus onmultiscale interdisciplinary dynamics, specifically oceanphysics and ice interactions, physical–biogeochemical inter-actions, and physical–sediment–coast interactions.

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