
Many lighting methods used in computer graphics such as indirect illumination can have very high computational costs and need to be approximated for real-time applications. These costs can be reduced by means of upsampling techniques which tend to introduce artifacts and affect the visual quality of the rendered image. This paper suggests a versatile approach for accelerating the rendering of screen space methods while maintaining the visual quality. This is achieved by exploiting the low frequency nature of many of these illumination methods and the geometrical continuity of the scene. First the screen space is dynamically divided into separate sub-images, then the illumination is rendered for each sub-image in an adequate resolution and finally the sub-images are put together in order to compose the final image. Therefore we identify edges in the scene and generate masks precisely specifying which part of the image is included in which sub-image. The masks therefore determine which part of the image is rendered in which resolution. A step wise upsampling and merging process then allows optically soft transitions between the different resolution levels. For this paper, the introduced multi-resolution rendering method was implemented and tested on three commonly used lighting methods. These are screen space ambient occlusion, soft shadow mapping and screen space global illumination.

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