
Imaging neural generators from MEG magnetic fields is often considered as a compromise between computationally-reasonable methodology that usually yields poor spatial resolution on the one hand, and more sophisticated approaches on the other hand, potentially leading to intractable computational costs.We approach the problem of obtaining well-resolved source images with unexcessive computation load with a multiresolution image model selection (MiMS) technique. The building blocks of the MiMS source model are parcels of the cortical surface which can be designed at multiple spatial resolutions with the combination of anatomical and functional priors. Computation charge is reduced owing to 1) compact parametric models of the activation of extended brain parcels using current multipole expansions and 2) the optimization of the generalized cross-validation error on image models, which is closed-form for the broad class of linear estimators of neural currents. Model selection can be complemented by any conventional imaging approach of neural currents restricted to the optimal image support obtained from MiMS.The estimation of the location and spatial extent of brain activations is discussed and evaluated using extensive Monte-Carlo simulations. An experimental evaluation was conducted with MEG data from a somatotopic paradigm. Results show that MiMS is an efficient image model selection technique with robust performances at realistic noise levels.

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