
Limited water resources are threatening the development of energy industry, especially for a country like China, with huge yet still fast increasing energy demand, geographically inverse distribution of energy resources and water resources. However, previous studies mainly focus on a nation-wide scale and merely in coal industry chain. Understanding the impact of regional differences on energy industrial water withdrawal remains a challenge. In this work, a multi-regional supply and demand analytical method is proposed, and China is divided into 17 regions for multi-regional analysis. Results indicate that water withdrawal pressure of energy industry differs greatly in different regions. An energy development path of carbon emission reduction can have a significant coordinating water-saving effect. long-distance power transmission may aggravate water shortage in water-scarce regions. Three representative coal-rich energy bases are analysed and the gap between demand of energy industrial water withdrawal and water supply is huge in a business-as-usual scenario. This gap can be reduced or eliminated only if both total amount control and intensity control strategies are jointly adopted.

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