
We present a strategy for producing multi-qubit gates that promise high fidelity with minimal tuning requirements. Our strategy combines gap protection from the adiabatic theorem with dynamical decoupling in a complementary manner. To avoid degenerate states and maximize the benefit of the gap protection, the scheme is best suited when there are two different kinds of qubits (not mutually resonant). Furthermore, we require a robust operating point in control space where the qubits interact with little sensitivity to noise. This allows us to circumvent a No-Go theorem that prevents block-box dynamically corrected gates [Phys. Rev. A 80, 032314 (2009)]. We show how to apply our strategy to an architecture in Si with P donors where we assume we can shuttle electrons between different donors. Electron spins act as mobile ancillary qubits and P nuclear spins act as long-lived data qubits. This system can have a very robust operating point where the electron spin is bound to a donor in the quadratic Stark shift regime. High fidelity single qubit gates may be performed using well-established global magnetic resonance pulse sequences. Single electron spin preparation and measurement has also been demonstrated. Putting this all together, we present a robust universal gate set for quantum computation.

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