
As the United States embarks upon a major effort to clean up its nuclear defence facilities, a large quantity of low level waste (LLW) will be generated. This LLW must be managed and ultimately placed into final disposal. Much of this waste is expected to exceed certain limits defined in US regulations (Title 10, US Code of Federal Regulations, part 61) called Class C. The waste which exceeds Class C, called Greater-Than-Class-C (GTCC), poses a major challenge to waste managers. Each GTCC waste form must be placed into costly geologic disposal unless separate approval is obtained from the United States regulator to place it into less costly ‘near-surface’ land burial. Management of GTCC will also require, to some extent, storage and transport prior to its final disposal. A further LLW stream exists in the United States also stemming from the prior operations of United States defence facilities, viz. radioactively contaminated and irradiated scrap metal which has been accumulating over the past forty years. Similarly, as cleanup, decontamination, and decommissioning proceeds, this contaminated scrap metal inventory is expected to grow rapidly. This paper explores the notion of the authors that an opportunity for a synergistic solution to two difficult waste management problems may be available in the United States today, and perhaps may similarly be available in other nuclear countries as well. The possibility exists for fabricating packagings from contaminated scrap metal (which would otherwise be part of the waste inventory) and for using these packagings for storage, transport and disposal of GTCC in nearsurface burial facilities without re-opening or fe-packing. This approach is appealing and should lead to major safety and cost benefits. An examination of existing regulations with the intent to propose additions, changes, or clarifications that would effectively and beneficially regulate such combined activity is proposed.

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