
We introduce \TEOBiResumSM{}, a nonspinning inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform model built within the effective one body (EOB) framework that includes gravitational waveform modes beyond the dominant quadrupole $(\ell,|m|) = (2,2)$. The model incorporates: (i) an improved Pad\'e resummation of the factorized waveform amplitudes $\rho_{\ell m}^{\rm orb}$ entering the EOB-resummed waveform where the 3PN, mass-ratio dependent, terms are hybridized with test-mass limit terms up to 6PN relative order for most of the multipoles up to $\ell=6$ included; (ii) an improved determination of the effective 5PN function $a_6^c(\nu)$ entering the EOB interaction potential done using the most recent, error-controlled, nonspinning numerical relativity (NR) waveforms from the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) collaboration; and (iii) a NR-informed phenomenological description of the multipolar ringdown. Such representation stems from 19 NR waveforms with mass ratios up to $m_1/m_2=18$ as well as test-mass waveform data, although it does not incorporate mode-mixing effects. The NR-completed higher modes through merger and ringdown considered here are: $(\ell,|m|) = \lbrace (2,1), (3,3), (3,2),(3,1),(4,4), (4,3),(4,2), (4,1),(5,5)\rbrace$. For simplicity, the other subdominant modes, up to $\ell=8$, are approximated by the corresponding, purely analytical, factorized and resummed EOB waveform. To attempt an estimate of (some of) the underlying analytic uncertainties of the model, we also contrast the effect of the 6PN-hybrid Pad\'e-resummed $\rho_{\ell m}$'s with the standard $3^{+2}$PN, Taylor-expanded, ones used in previous EOB works. The maximum unfaithfulness $\bar{F}$ against the SXS waveforms including all NR-completed modes up to $\ell=m=5$ is always $\lesssim 2\%$ for binaries with total mass $M$ as $50 M_{\odot} \leq M \lesssim 200 M_{\odot}$.

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