
The multiple Birkhoff recurrence theorem states that for any $d\in\mathbb N$, every system $(X,T)$ has a multiply recurrent point $x$, i.e. $(x,x,\ldots, x)$ is recurrent under $\tau_d=:T\times T^2\times \ldots \times T^d$. It is natural to ask if there always is a multiply minimal point, i.e. a point $x$ such that $(x,x,\ldots,x)$ is $\tau_d$-minimal. A negative answer is presented in this paper via studying the horocycle flows. However, it is shown that for any minimal system $(X,T)$ and any non-empty open set $U$, there is $x\in U$ such that $\{n\in{\mathbb Z}: T^nx\in U, \ldots, T^{dn}x\in U\}$ is piecewise syndetic; and that for a PI minimal system, any $M$-subsystem of $(X^d, \tau_d)$ is minimal.

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