
The time course production of xylanolytic enzymes by the rumen anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix frontalis was studied during growth on different carbon sources and revealed using isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting. A constant low level of endoxylanase expression was observed in glucose medium. A high level of xylanase activity was detected in methyl glucoside medium corresponding to the induction of new isoforms which were repressed by the presence of glucose. beta-Xylosidases were constitutively produced at a high level and remained mainly associated to the fungal cells. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the endoxylanases XYLI and XYLII revealed that XYLI was secreted to the different culture media showing a characteristic pattern of constitutive expression, while anti-XYLII recognized several polypeptides larger than XYLII indicating the production of multiple antigenically related enzymes during growth on the inducing substrate.

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