
We introduce a family of algebras which are multiplicative analogues of preprojective algebras, and their deformations, as introduced by M.P. Holland and the first author. We show that these algebras provide a natural setting for the ‘middle convolution’ operation introduced by N.M. Katz in his book ‘Rigid local systems’, and put in an algebraic setting by M. Dettweiler and S. Reiter, and H. Völklein. We prove a homological formula relating the dimensions of Hom and Ext spaces, study varieties of representations of multiplicative preprojective algebras, and use these results to study simple representations. We apply this work to the Deligne–Simpson problem, obtaining a sufficient (and conjecturally necessary) condition for the existence of an irreducible solution to the equation A 1 A 2 … A k = 1 with the A i in prescribed conjugacy classes in GL n ( C ) .

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