
Essentially, the motion picture is a means of communication. Over the last few years, there has been a great expansion in the use of audio-visual material in teaching and a growing market for audio-visual material. In the use of motion pictures the acceptance of 8 millimeter film as a valid communication medium has revolutionalized thinking regarding the motion picture film. No longer is sound film the only kind of respectable film. The single concept film -- or silent loop film -- has shown the value of the moving picture. There are many subjects which can appeal to a wide audience and so benefit from lowered costs resulting from mass multiplication. If this was not the case, the use of motion picture film in education could never have got off the ground. Preparation for use is the real key to the most successful use of film. Personal experience suggests that village audiences in developing countries may need to be shown a film more than once in order to enable them to derive full benefit from it. There must be time given to discuss its content and implications. If motion picture film is to be made the basis of discussion, there must be some limitation to the audience size. 8 millimeter film has this advantage in that there is a limit to the size of picture which can be usefully projected. Present day 8 millimeter equipment can record and play back magnetic sound. This is of great value to the community development worker. The community development worker is faced with problems not found within the framework of formal education, and making a film, a tape recording, or taking photographs of a community to show to itself may prove a powerful catalyst to community action.

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