
In quantum weak measurement, a weak value is a quantity related to a pointer shift of a measuring device which is usually determined by pre- and postselection states. For conventional weak measurement, a single weak-value model has been well addressed in precision metrology of time delay, but it only holds for a narrowband light source. To further improve the measurement accuracy, a broad-spectrum light source is needed. We find that the single weak-value model no longer holds, due to the occurrence of modified preselection states. Here, a multiple weak-value model is established by introducing the modified preselection states in the estimation of time delay. For broad-spectrum light source with 50-nm spectral width, the multiple weak-value scheme enables us to achieve a high resolution of $1.6\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}4}\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}\mathrm{as}$. Our proposed multiple weak-value amplification may have important applications in various fields involving precise time-delay detection.

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