
Studies on migrant fertility typically compare migrants and natives or different migrant groups at the same destination, but rarely migrants of the same origins in different destination countries. In this paper, we look at migrants from multiple origins in multiple destination countries simultaneously. The idea behind this approach is the notion that migrants’ fertility may be affected by the country from which they come (“origin effect”), the country to which they migrate (“destination effect”), and the specific relations between origin and destination (“community effect”). We combine the European Union Labour Force Survey and the European Social Survey to compare immigrants (men and women) from ten areas of origin in 12 destination countries in Europe. Our results confirm a strong origin effect. However, they also suggest that when women and men migrate to a context where the fertility norm is different from that in their origin they adjust their behaviors accordingly, which indicates that policy and normative context play an important role in shaping migrants’ fertility. From a policy perspective, this is important because it suggests that the fertility of migrant women and men, even when they maintain their origin fertility, resembles that of the destination.

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