
Question 1 (b) 30–40% of patients with undiagnosed ATAI develop pseudoaneurysms. Concerning pulmonary involvement in ankylosing (c) ATAI occurs with a fall of 10 feet (3 m). spondylitis (d) Chest radiographs have a sensitivity of up to 90% for demonstrating widening of the (a) Pulmonary involvement occurs in 70–80% of mediastinum owing to haematoma. ankylosing spondylitis patients. (e) CT scans have a sensitivity of 40–50% and a (b) The commonest manefestation is lower lobe specificity of 80%. fibrosis. (c) Pleural effusions occur in 30–40% of patients. (d) On high resolution CT scanning, interstitial Question 5 lung disease is seen to occur throughout the lung fields. Regarding acute respiratory distress syndrome (e) Mediastinal lymphadenopathy occurs in (ARDS) 70–80% of patients. (a) There is increased lung compliance associated with widespread airspace shadowing on chest Question 2 radiography. (b) ‘‘Ground glass opacification’’ is defined as a Regarding pulmonary sarcoidosis hazy increase in lung attenuation with loss of (a) Histological evidence of involvement is present vascular markings. in virtually all patients. (c) In acute ARDS, the whole lung is uniformly (b) High resolution CT (HRCT) scans may affected. appear normal. (d) Ground glass opacification is a recognized (c) Subpleural linear densities are the most feature on follow-up. common manefestation on HRCT. (e) Anterior pulmonary fibrosis is a recognized (d) Nodules usually have a perilymphatic feature on follow-up. distribution. (e) Nodules cavitate in 40–50% of cases. Question 6

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