
Salt and pepper noise is one of the most common types of noise that affects color and gray digital images, as this noise negatively affects the characteristics of the image and becomes blurred. And since the digital image is used in vital and important applications, it is necessary to provide an effective method that reduces the negative effects of noise. An easy and effective method will be presented that reduces the negative effects of salt and pepper noise, regardless of the noise ratio value in the digital image. In the proposed method, a set of windows will be used that is generated from the output of the affected image padding process, and these windows will be used to check the pixel is noise or not to be processed if this pixel is noise, using the specified window and applying the process of the median filter to this window. The proposed method will be implemented using various color and gray images, the quality parameters MSE and PSNR will be calculated. The obtained results for the proposed method will be compared with the results of median, MDBUT MF, MDBPT GMF, AWMF; AAMF filters to show the enhancement of the proposed method in reducing the negative effects of salt and pepper noise.

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