
This note concerns multiple weighted inequalities for vector-valued multilinear singular integral operator with nonsmooth kernel and its corresponding commutators containing multilinear commutator and iterated commutator generated by the vector-valued multilinear operator and BMO functions. By the weighted estimates for a class of new variant maximal and sharp maximal functions, the multiple weighted norm inequalities for such operators are obtained.


  • It is well known that multiple weighted norm inequalities for multilinear operators and their related commutators on various spaces of function is a center topic of harmonic analysis, which recently attracts a lot of attention, see [1,2,3] et al In this paper, we will focus on the multiple weighted estimates for vector valued multilinear singular integral with nonsmooth kernel and its commutators

  • We give some information on multilinear Calderon-Zygmund operators

  • The multilinear operator T we study is initially defined on the m-fold product of Schwartz space S(Rn)×⋅ ⋅ ⋅×S(Rn) and taking values into the space of tempered distributions S󸀠(Rn); that is, T : S (Rn) × ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ × S (Rn) 󳨀→ S󸀠 (Rn)

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It is well known that multiple weighted norm inequalities for multilinear operators and their related commutators on various spaces of function is a center topic of harmonic analysis, which recently attracts a lot of attention, see [1,2,3] et al. It is natural to ask whether the vectorvalued multilinear operator Tq with kernels satisfying the same conditions as in [5] and its commutators TΣb⃗,q and TΠb⃗,q have multiple weighted estimates or not. These problems will be addressed by our theorems. Assume that Tq is a vector-valued multilinear operator defined as (10) associated with T being an m-GCZK(A, s, η, ε) whose kernel K satisfies Assumption (H2). Assume that Tq is a vector-valued multilinear operator that satisfies the assumptions in Theorem 1, and the iterated commutator TΠb⃗,q is defined as (13). Throughout this paper, we use the letter C to denote a positive constant that varies from line to line, but it is independent of the essential variable

Some Preliminaries
New Maximal Functions
Weighted Inequalities for Vector-Valued Singular Integral and Its Commutators
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