
The Krafla rifting episode, which occurred in North Iceland in 1975–1984, was followed by inflation of a shallow magma chamber until 1989. At that time, gradual subsidence began above the magma chamber and has continued to the present at a declining rate. Pressure decrease in a shallow magma chamber is not the only source of deformation at Krafla, as other deformation processes are driven by exploitation of two geothermal fields, together with plate spreading. In addition, deep-seated magma accumulation appears to take place, with its centre ∼ 10 km north of the Krafla caldera. The relative strength of these sources has varied with time. New results from a levelling survey and GPS measurements in 2005 allow an updated view on the deformation field. Deformation rates spanning 2000–2005 are the lowest recorded in the 30-year history of geodetic studies at the volcano. The inferred rate of 2000–2005 subsidence related to processes in the shallow magma chamber is less than 0.3 cm/yr whereas it was ∼ 5 cm/yr in 1989–1992. Currently, the highest rate of subsidence takes place in the Leirbotnar area, within the Krafla caldera, and appears to be a result of geothermal exploitation.

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