
Plants which have helpful pharmacological and restorative impacts on human wellbeing are considered as medicinal plants. These plants are rich in bioactive mixes like alkaloids, sterols, saponins, flavonoids, unpredictable oils and so on and are being used since old times. Folk or conventional medicine systems are used and preferred all over the world depending on choice, religious conviction, superstitions, social elements like socio-economic reasons and family-based therapeutic systems since time immemorial. They make use of a number of terrestrial, aquatic and semiaquatic plants and plant parts or their extracts for treatments of various disorders and diseases. Aquatic and semiaquatic plants are used for a number of purposes including their ornamental uses, biomonitoring and phytoremediation of water ecosystems and as medicinal plants. More than 5000–8000 plants are used as herbal medicine all over the world as synergic, supportive or preventive medicine by providing raw material for healing and treatments. Although people all over the world are interested to know about the role of aquatic plants in herbal medicinal systems, rare studies are found on the subject. This study compiles medicinal value of medicinal aquatic plants found or cultivated all over the world with high medicinal value and pharmacological importance.

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