
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is one of the most common causes of pyogenic skin and/or soft tissue infections [1]. In bacterial infections, including staphylococcal infections, transient bacteremia are not rarely observed, in particular in febrile children with the infections, but occult severe infections such as sepsis, endocarditis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, and disseminated multiple abscesses are uncommon in healthy children with bacteremia [2,3]. S. aureus bacteremia can be caused by various conditions including intramuscular injection. However, latter condition has been rarely described as a cause of staphylococcal abscesses and/or septicemia [4], and there are few case reports of bacteremia and subsequent multiple soft tissue abscesses that were originated from the intradermal injection site. We describe a case which had multiple subcutaneous abscesses on right anterior chest wall and osteomyelitis of left clavicle, caused by S. aureus, 1 week after an intradermal Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination.

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