
A 27-year-old woman presented 6 weeks after an uncomplicated lower segment caesarean section with excessive bleeding per vagina. On examination, she had mild pallor with a pulse rate of 86 beats per minute and blood pressure of 116/80 mm Hg, uterus well involuted with closed cervical os and bleeding demonstrated through the cervix. A transvaginal ultrasonography with colour Doppler revealed a normal size uterus with an empty cavity and a hypoechoic area with blood flow within it in the left side of the uterus with a prominent arterial feeder vessel. A CT angiogram confirmed the diagnosis of a 1.3×0.7 cm pseudoaneurysm of the uterine artery near the left cornua of the uterus. After failed attempts to control the bleeding with antifibrinolytics, bilateral uterine arteries were embolised using gel foam. Post procedure, bleeding resolved immediately. A follow-up transvaginal ultrasound after a year revealed no evidence of the pseudoaneurysm and her fertility was preserved.

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